Why Choose Us?

Why Us?

What sets us apart to some credit repair and debt negotiations firms is that we do not have hidden charges placed in small print.

With us: There are no hidden costs. There are no debt settlement fees. There are no per default removal fees.

Q. How can Score Up help me?
A. We can dispute any incorrect data on your credit report or we can give you the tools to do it yourself.
Unlike some Credit Repair and Debt Negotiation firms there are zero hidden costs or debt settlement fees or per default removal fees!

Q. What do I gain using your services?
A. We can increase your credit score so you can avail of better finance options provided you meet a lenders internal Responsible Lending Guidelines. For example, you can service a loan in question within the income minus expenses.

Q. What if I want to cancel after I have started using your Service?
A. You can cancel at any time. Please refer to your individual service agreement depending on what option you have chosen regarding individual fees and charges.

Q. What if I want you to deal with it instead of me?
A. We will ensure that all your direction is followed through and any disputes or negotiations you want us to assist with will be completed on your behalf. Unlike some Credit Repair and Debt Negotiation firms there are zero hidden costs or debt settlement fees or per default removal fees!

Q. What if I receive a negative response from a creditor?
A. Depending on the response received you may still have grounds to dispute further.
There is a vast amount of legislation within Australia that protect consumers and businesses so we will ensure that every aspect of your dispute is investigated and identify every error made by the Creditor. If the Creditor has not made an error, we will ensure all aspects of the dispute are discussed with you to ensure the information received is accurate.

Q. Do you have an APP I can use?
A. We are developing an APP and will offer a subscription service once the App goes Live.

Q. what is the benefit of the App?
A. Once the APP is developed, and you are provided individual access you will be entitled to request your credit report once per month. *fees and charges may apply.
Similar to apps like Uber eats you will have your financial profile at your fingertips so you can check and dispute incorrect data or bills every month to ensure that your Credit Score and data is financially sound and healthy.

Q. How are you different to other Companies that offer a similar service?
A. We have 3 options you can avail off and unlike firms that offer representations on your behalf you will have the option of complete honest and transparent visibility for all your disputes should you wish to be cc’d into any correspondence or outcomes. We are your voice and will not fabricate any information that may be misleading.

If you are struggling with high interest loans, if you are feeling unheard from your lender, if your credit report has been impacted, if you have been rejected for finance due to your credit report, don’t be misled into signing up and paying a credit repair company or debt management firm $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 without even knowing if you meet responsible lending guidelines.

Contact us now for a no obligation, honest phone call to see how we can help you move forward!

We are here to Help

Our Dedicated team are here to help so reach out today!

Or Book your Appointment with a ScoreUp Specialist for a free Consultation!